Newheek specialize in the production of X-ray Detector.
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Libya customer consulting flat panel detector

Today, a customer in Libya consulted about flat panel detectors. Ask the customer whether they want CSI or GOS? Wired or wireless? 14*17 or 17*17? Due to jet lag, the customer is not online. Send information to customers.
Let us briefly show you our best-selling flat panel detectors:
How long is the service life of the flat panel detector? In theory, it should be semi-permanent, but it will cause an etching effect because of the long use time. Flat panel detectors are used for a certain number of years (usually three to five years) or after a certain number of exposures, the aging and damage of flat panel detectors are inevitable and inevitable.
If you are interested in our flat panel detectors, please contact our customer service.

flat panel detector


(+86) 18953679166