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Application of TFT flat panel detector

The advantages of TFT flat panel detector are size and field of view, while the advantages of CMOS flat panel detector are sensitivity, resolution and readout speed.
CMOS tablets offer performance advantages when no splicing is required.However, under the application of “large size”, there will be gaps and invalid pixel lines at the splicing points of the CMOS tablet, which will lead to the deletion of some images.
Application of TFT flat panel detector
It needs to be modified by software later.The TFT plate does not have this problem.Currently, hamamatsu’s medium field of vision flat plates are all CMOS flat plates, while medium field of vision flat plates and large field of vision flat plates are all TFT flat plates, which can give full play to the advantages of various processes.
TFT flat panel detector can meet the application requirements of different scenarios.


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