Newheek specialize in the production of X-ray Detector.
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What are the potential issues or limitations of using flat panel detectors?

X-ray flat panel detectors (FPDs) in medical imaging have several advantages but also face limitations. One challenge is their initial cost, which can be high for acquisition and installation. FPDs are susceptible to damage from physical impact or exposure to certain substances, necessitating careful handling. Some systems may have a limited field of view, requiring multiple exposures for larger areas. While FPDs generally offer improved dose efficiency, inappropriate technique settings can still result in unnecessary radiation exposure. Issues such as lower resolution, electronic noise artifacts, and challenges in maintaining optimal temperature may affect image quality. Compatibility with existing systems and the need for periodic upgrades add to operational considerations. Despite these limitations, ongoing advancements aim to address these issues, ensuring FPDs continue to deliver enhanced imaging capabilities in medical diagnostics. We are a professional manufacturer of X-ray machines and their accessories. If you have any needs for flat panel detector, please feel free to contact us. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email:


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