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The DR detectors for DR digital x-ray machines

The rapid development of my country’s national economy in recent years has effectively promoted the improvement of medical and other industries. Since the concept of digital medical treatment was introduced into China, DR digital x-ray machines have rapidly become popular in medical institutions. At present, many hospitals in our country have been equipped with this medical device one after another. So what should the hospitals pay attention to when purchasing DR digital x-ray machines? Be sure to look at the DR detector.

As the most critical part of the entire system, the DR detector is of great significance to the resolution of the system. At present, DR detectors are divided into amorphous selenium DR detectors and amorphous silicon DR detectors.

The limit DQE of the amorphous silicon DR detector is relatively high, but as the spatial resolution increases, its DQE drops more; as the spatial resolution increases, the DQE decline of the amorphous selenium DR detector is relatively gentle. At high spatial resolution, DQE surpasses amorphous silicon DR detectors. This characteristic shows that the amorphous silicon DR detector has a strong ability to distinguish the difference in tissue density; the amorphous selenium DR detector has a higher ability to distinguish the difference in fine structure.

It can be seen that different types of DR detectors cause differences in DQE and spatial resolution due to differences in materials, structures, and processes.

Stability of high performance detector


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