Newheek specialize in the production of X-ray Detector.
HomeBlog ›Egyptian customer asked about the relevant parameters of the DR detector

Egyptian customer asked about the relevant parameters of the DR detector

I recently received an inquiry from an Egyptian customer for amorphous silicon DR detectors. He want to buy this product from our company. The customer purchases amorphous silicon DR detectors for hospitals and installs them on a mobile DR. First, they asked about the price and then some parameters. , Recommended to the customer 3543A this product, 3543A is a high-performance, box-sized wireless amorphous silicon DR detector. It can last at least 10 hours, and the unique wireless transmission technology can complete a full-resolution image transmission in 3 seconds, even in the worst case, it will not exceed 5 seconds. At the same time, the detector has excellent quality such as high DQE and high resolution. The detector is highly sensitive and supports automatic exposure detection, and can be easily connected and synchronized with all high-voltage generators.
The customer also asked the range of this product to adapt to the working environment, because the customer’s environment is relatively hot, and the response to the customer is between 5 degrees and 35 degrees. After answering the customer’s question, the customer said that he would give a reply after consideration.
If you are interested in our DR detectors, please contact us.


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