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What role does DR flat panel detector play in inspection

With the popularization of digital imaging, digital X-ray machines are playing an increasingly important role in the medical field. So, what role does the DR flat panel detector play in the inspection?
In fact, the reason why digital X-ray machines are called digital imaging is mainly because X-ray machines use DR flat-panel detectors. The X-ray passes through the object to be detected, reaches the flat-panel detector, and displays it on the computer through signal conversion. This is the complete imaging process. In this process, the main function of the DR flat panel detector is to complete the energy conversion. Because X-rays are invisible light, DR detectors need to convert the invisible light into electrical signals, which can be displayed on a computer. Therefore, the characteristics of the DR flat panel detector will have a relatively large impact on the DR image quality. The choice of DR must take into account the choice of flat panel detectors. The performance index of the DR flat panel detector will have a great impact on the image, and the hospital should also choose the DR flat panel detector suitable for itself according to actual needs.

DR flat panel detector


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