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What are the specifications of the DR flat panel detector?

With the development of digital imaging, the application of DR flat panel detectors has become more and more extensive. So, what are the specifications of the DR flat panel detector?
Our most commonly used specifications are 14*17 and 17*17. These two specifications can be divided into wired flat panel detectors and wireless flat panel detectors. Wired flat panel detectors need to be connected to a power source, while wireless flat panel detectors are equipped with batteries (usually two pieces) and do not need to be connected to a power source. We usually say 14*17 wired board, 14*17 wireless board, 17*17 wired board, 17*17 wireless board. Of course, DR flat panel detectors also have other specifications, such as 10*12. There are other specifications that need to be customized.

DR flat panel detector


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