Newheek specialize in the production of X-ray Detector.
HomeBlog ›What are the maintenance and cleaning procedures required for X-ray flat panel detectors?

What are the maintenance and cleaning procedures required for X-ray flat panel detectors?

Maintaining and cleaning X-ray flat panel detectors is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Regularly inspect the FPD surface for scratches, cracks, or any physical damage. Clean the FPD with a soft, lint-free cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaning solution, avoiding harsh chemicals that may damage the protective coating. Ensure that the FPD is free from dust, debris, or any foreign particles that could compromise image quality. Follow manufacturer guidelines for periodic calibration and quality assurance tests to verify proper functionality. Implement a preventive maintenance schedule, addressing issues promptly to prevent more significant problems. Regularly update firmware and software as recommended by the manufacturer to benefit from performance improvements and security updates. Adhering to these procedures enhances the reliability and lifespan of X-ray flat panel detectors, contributing to consistent and accurate diagnostic imaging. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email:
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