There are two main types of digital X-ray imaging technology, one called CR (Computed Radiography), which has been used for 15 years and has changed the work of radiology. Digital X-rays increase workload and eliminate the need for film rinsing, storage, and transportation. One type of DR is mainly used to collect rays and convert them into digital images through special photosensitive materials.
Advantages and disadvantages of CR:
The CR utilizes an activating phosphor that contains a collector that collects incident X-ray activated electrons. The captured electrons constitute a Latent Image, and the latent image as a blue image is produced by a red laser illuminating the phosphor. The cassette is placed in a laser scanner and read through a photomultiplier tube to digitize the image. The advantage of CR is that it can make full use of the old X-ray machine to realize image digitization. The main problem with CR systems is that the resolution is not high, which occurs because of the scattering of light in the thin layer necessary to block electrons.
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Company:Weifang Newheek Electronic Tech Co., Ltd.