Newheek specialize in the production of X-ray Detector.
HomeBlog ›Is the performance of X-ray flat panel detectors affected by environmental conditions?

Is the performance of X-ray flat panel detectors affected by environmental conditions?

Of course, the performance of X-ray flat panel detectors can be influenced by environmental conditions. Extreme temperatures, humidity, and exposure to dust or moisture can impact the functionality and image quality of these detectors. High temperatures might affect the electronic components, leading to potential overheating and reduced performance. Moisture and dust can compromise the detector’s integrity and optical properties, affecting image clarity. Manufacturers often provide environmental specifications for their detectors, and it is crucial to adhere to these guidelines to maintain optimal performance. Protective casings and proper storage conditions are recommended to safeguard against environmental factors. Regular maintenance, calibration, and adherence to environmental guidelines are essential to ensure the reliability and longevity of X-ray flat panel detectors in diverse clinical settings. We are a manufacturer of X-ray machines and their accessories. If you have any needs for FPDs, please feel free to contact us. Whatsapp:+86 18953679166. Email:
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