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Indirect conversion flat panel detectors have higher DQE limits

For the same type of flat panel detector, its DQE is variable under different spatial resolutions. The limit of DQE is very high, but this does not mean that DQE is very high at any spatial resolution. It can be known from the calculation formula that different MTF values ​​correspond to different DQEs, that is to say, DQE is different under different spatial resolutions.
The limit DQE value of the indirect conversion x-ray flat panel detector is higher, but with the increase of the spatial resolution, the limit DQE value decreases greatly; while the limit DQE of the direct conversion flat panel detector is not as good as the indirect conversion flat panel detector. The limit DQE is higher, but as the spatial resolution increases, the DQE declines more gently. At high spatial resolution, DQE surpasses indirect conversion flat panel detectors. This feature shows that the indirect flat panel detector has a strong ability to identify differences in tissue density; while the direct conversion and flat panel detectors have a high ability to identify subtle structural differences.
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