Newheek specialize in the production of X-ray Detector.
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7-18 Cameroon customer inquiry flat panel detector

The Cameroonian customer consulted the flat panel detector of Shandong Huarui Imaging Equipment Co., Ltd., and informed the customer that we have wireless and wired, 1417 and 1717 size, which one the customer needs, and the customer said that we need to provide the waveform and other curve data of the flat panel detector. , will be beneficial to their laboratory experiments, the customer is doing experiments in Japan A-se ICU, researching flat panel detectors, hoping to innovate, it will be beneficial to the world, it is recommended that customers buy a flat panel detector as experimental textbooks, customers I didn’t want to buy it. I asked the price. It was $6,820. I thought the price was too high. Their experimental partner had no money. Our flat panel detectors are available in a variety of styles. The wired ones can be connected to the computer with a network cable, and the wireless ones can be connected to the computer with WiFi. And computer X-ray machine racks can form a complete set of DR equipment.
If you are interested in our flat panel detector, you are welcome to contact us!

flat panel detector


(+86) 18953679166