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Focus on flat panel detector

For some critically ill patients with new coronary pneumonia (COVID-19), the ventilator is a medical device that can be brought back to life.

When patients cannot breathe oxygen into their lungs and expel carbon dioxide, the ventilator can help them do it. However, this type of ventilator cannot save everyone. Sometimes, health care teams around the world face some difficult choices, and when patients cannot improve, they have to stop treatment.

“Turning off the patient’s ventilator is very painful. Sometimes, I feel responsible for the death of another person,” Juanita Nittla said. Nitra is the head nurse in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU, or Intensive Care Unit) of Royal Free Hospital in London.

As a dedicated nurse in intensive care, Nitra, born in South India, worked for the National Health Service (NHS) for at least 16 years. “But turning off the ventilator is one of my jobs,” the 42-year-old nurse told the BBC on a day off.
Our company also produces medical devices such as X ray machines plat panel detector, so I hope everyone will pay more attention to it.
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